“You won’t get what you want unless you ask for it.” Have you heard this popular inspirational phrase? It’s true; in all areas of life, to get something we’d like, we have to learn to ask for it. There’s more to it than that, though. It isn’t just asking the question “could I, please have . . .“ There is also the matter of knowing what it is that you want in the first place. We’d like to explain.
What many people do when they want to get rejuvenate the eyes is they call their doctor for Botox or dermal fillers. We’re not saying this is wrong, but it may not be right, either. Asking for injectables from the get-go may just negate the bigger question: why have the eyes changed in appearance?
This is an important question because, if you do not know what’s causing the eyelids to look heavy and droopy, you can’t know the steps to resolve the issue. In our oculofacial plastic surgery office in Westport, our specialty is eyelid rejuvenation and reconstruction. We spend time in the observation of the tissue around the eyes, as well as on the forehead, to determine the cause of facial aging. This way, we can offer solutions that will obtain the desired outcome.
One common method of restoring a youthful appearance to the eyes is to remove excess skin during blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery. Another process and one which may be better suited to some patients is to look at the brow. Here, we want to discuss the differences between a surgical brow lift and a Botox brow lift.
This injectable treatment for drooping brows is very popular due to its minimally-invasive nature. Treatment requires only about 30 minutes, and about a week’s worth of patience as treated muscles gradually relax their downward pull on the brows. Botox injections are mildly uncomfortable, if at all. Results are also mild, and you want them to be. With careful application, Botox lifts the brow by only a few millimeters and holds the line in place for a few months at a time.
Brow Lift Surgery
We’ll just put it right out there: a brow lift is a more permanent solution to a drooping brow and sagging upper eyelids than Botox. This is because the brow lift re-drapes the superficial tissue of the forehead to a slightly higher position. Because this process is manually performed by an experienced surgeon, it is possible to obtain a greater degree of lift, and results that can last years.
Case ID: 2847