As we age, we may begin to see prominent veins or blood vessels appear on our skin. These vessels may be on the face, body, or legs. Spider veins are small damaged vessels that appear on legs with age or after pregnancy.  Patients with Rosacea, a chronic skin condition, are susceptible to developing small red vessels called telangiectasias on their cheeks, chin, and nose.  Small red clusters of vessels, called angiomas (spider angiomas, cherry angiomas), may appear on the face or body.  While these are all benign, some find them unsightly and look for ways to remove them. Dr. Flora Levin offers laser treatments to address these concerns to her patients in Fairfield, Westport, and throughout Connecticut. 

What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are damaged veins that can be found most commonly on the face and legs. They occur when the valves inside the vein are not properly working. On the face, this can be caused due to increased pressure or excessive sun exposure and damage. Spider veins are often not painful and are not a sign of any serious medical condition. Some find them to be unsightly and look for ways to have them removed. Spider veins are typically small and can look like thin lines or a spider’s web, hence the name.

How Does the Laser Work?

Nd:YAG laser energy is selectively absorbed by the deeper layers of the skin and allows for treatment of deeper vascular lesions such as telangiectasias, hemangiomas, and leg veins.

The laser energy is delivered using long pulses which are converted into heat in the tissue. The heat from the laser coagulates the blood and seals off the vessel.

Before & After Laser Vein Treatment

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Treating Periorbital Veins

Dr. Levin’s office is one of only a few practices in Connecticut that offers treatment for periorbital veins, also known as periocular veins. These are prominent blue veins seen primarily in the lower eyelid, especially in those with thin and fair skin, and are a frequent cosmetic problem. Their prominence does not mean a functional problem in most cases. Because their prominence may lead to the impression of dark circles, many of the individuals affected find them cosmetically undesirable. The Nd:YAG 1064 nm laser is a safe and effective treatment modality for the treatment of periocular veins. It has been extensively studied and, as a specialist in the eye area, Dr. Levin has the unique expertise to offer this treatment.

Is the Laser Vein Treatment Safe?

Yes! The Nd:YAG laser safely delivers a targeted treatment, so it won’t damage the surrounding areas or any veins that are not meant to be treated. It does not cause any harm to nearby tissue or healthy blood vessels. After the vein has collapsed, the body will naturally dispose of the blood inside. The potential side effects include some redness, swelling, or discoloration. During your consultation, our staff can answer any questions you may have about the procedure or your safety concerns. 

How Many Treatments Are Required?

This depends on what is being treated. Peri-orbital veins typically require 1-3 treatments spaced out every four to six weeks, and the results last 1-2 years. Small angiomas may only require a single treatment. Larger or multiple spider veins or telangiectasias may need 2-6 sessions. Some patients may see immediate results after treatments, while others will find their results visible after a few weeks. Side effects are minimal, and the treatment is very well tolerated. Mild swelling and redness are common. Mild bruising may occur as well.

A Consultation for Laser Vein Treatment

Most people who have spider veins, telangiectasias, angiomas, or periorbital veins are good candidates for laser vein treatments. In order to ensure you are a candidate, schedule a consultation.

At your consultation, your veins will be examined, and you will be able to discuss the treatment process and the number of treatments required. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to meeting you!

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