YAG Laser For Treatment of Under-Eye Veins

An Nd: YAG laser can successfully treat the under-eye (periorbital veins). The procedure is virtually painless and requires minimal downtime. 

Periorbital veins can be visible in both the upper and lower eyelids and can range in color from red to blue or purple. This can make the surrounding area look dark or discolored. The Nd: YAG laser selectively targets the blood inside the veins, leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed. This makes it an ideal method for an under-eye vein treatment in Fairfield, to help reduce veins around the eyes and revitalizing your look.

Under-Eye Vein Treatment Before & Afters

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Am I a candidate for under-eye vein treatments with the YAG laser?

The YAG laser is versatile and can be effective for various skin types, including fair to medium and even darker skin tones. Generally, individuals in good overall health without underlying medical conditions that could interfere with the healing process are ideal candidates for under-eye vein treatment in Westport by Dr. Levin. 

Is There Anything I Need to Do to Before or After YAG Treatments?

This treatment doesn’t require any preparation, but you should avoid excess sun exposure immediately before treatment. After treatment, you will be given an ice pack to apply to the area. Some redness and swelling can occur at the site, but it usually subsides pretty quickly. Occasionally, patients may get a bruise at the site. If that happens, there is nothing to be done. It will resolve on its own, as with any other bruise.

Meet Your Provider: Katie

Katie, our highly regarded Aesthetic Nurse, Laser Specialist, and Nurse Injector, brings a wealth of knowledge and dedication to our practice in Connecticut. With a nursing degree from St. Vincent’s College and a strong focus on patient safety and education, Katie ensures that every patient receives safe and effective treatments.

One of Katie's specialties is under-eye vein treatments in Fairfield using the YAG laser. With her extensive training and experience, Katie is an expert and has done thousands of successful under eye treatments with Dr. Levin. Together, they excel in assessing under-eye veins and creating personalized treatment plans for all patients. 

Under-Eye Vein Treatment FAQs:

Are these YAG laser treatments for under-eye veins painful?

How Many Treatments will I Need to See My Final Results?

Are Under-Eye Vein Treatments Permanent?

Are these YAG laser treatments for under-eye veins painful?

There is minimal discomfort, and no anesthesia is required.

How Many Treatments will I Need to See My Final Results?

For most patients, only a single treatment is needed. Some veins require a second touch-up treatment.

Are Under-Eye Vein Treatments Permanent?

The laser seals off the vein, rerouting the blood to other vessels. Treating a vein does not prevent its recurrence or the formation of new veins.

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